The CUBES End to End simulator (theoretical model) can be used in two different ways:
Online (hosted on Binder): from this link.
Wait for the server to load, then choose either "CUBES E2E simulator.ipynb” or "CUBES E2E simulator (compact).ipynb” from the file list. The two notebooks perform the same computation, but the first one is commented with instructions on how to operate it. Template spectra are in Science_Spectra/ and you can call them by editing the notebook. You can also upload other spectra, but you must close and reopen the notebook for them to become available.
Offline (on your machine): from this GitHub repository.
Start Jupyter with “jupyter notebook” from your terminal, then choose either "CUBES E2E simulator.ipynb” or "CUBES E2E simulator (compact).ipynb” from the file list which appear in your browser window. Also in this case, template spectra are in Science_Spectra/ and you can call them by editing the notebook, but you can point to any spectrum on your machine by editing the notebook.
Here you can find an ETC/E2E live demo.